BBQ Seabream Cartoccio

Oh the joys of fishies and BBQs! I cannot stand that lingering smell of either raw or cooked fish so the solution is cooking outside 🙂 Besides this, the taste of anything BBQed is amazing really!

This is not really a recipe but I felt like I needed to share this wonderful meal I had yesterday.

I feel like the best way to cook fish is the simplest way: Salt, Pepper, a bit of Olive Oil and Lemon Juice

All you have to do is place the Seabream on a large piece of Catering Foil with olive oil on both sides (to avoid sticking), salt, pepper and some lemon juice. Wrap the foil around the fish and place on a hot BBQ. A gas BBQ is ideal since you can close the lid and the fish cooks quicker.


Depending on the size of the fish, it will take between 20-30min.


I served mine with potato salad and fresh salad.


TIP: Since the fish is whole, of course it has bones in it. Start by opening the fish and folding half of it to find the spine and pull that out. This will also remove the head. Then remove the bones found at the edges of each fillets. I suggest eating the tail last… it has less bones!